The purpose of the Arts and Crafts demonstrations and displays at the Barnstable County Fair is to support and publicize local artists and craftsmen, and to give the public an opportunity to view, appreciate and purchase quality handwork.
1. Fees: All 7 days of the Fair – flat rate of $340.00.
2. The Hours for the Arts & Crafts section of the Fair for each day are: Monday, July 21 – Thursday, July 24: 4:00 PM – 10 PM; Friday, July 25 – Saturday, July 26: 12:00 PM – 10 PM; Sunday, July 27: 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
3. One (1) 20 Amp electrical outlet will be provided. If another electrical outlet is needed, an additional fee of $10.00 per day will be charged. The Fairgrounds do not provide extension cords so you need to bring your own.
NOTE: Extension cords must be buried two inches in any public walkway. Please bring a shovel. This is a direct order from the Town of Falmouth Electrical Inspectors.
4. Insurance is required to exhibit at the Fair. If you need insurance, you can get it through the fairgrounds policy for a fee of $80 – if you have insurance, please provide a certificate naming the fairgrounds as additionally insured. See certificate example attached.
5. Signs indicating group or business name should be displayed in the exhibit.
6. Admission and parking passes: 2 admission passes for each day will be given. Additional admission tickets may be purchased for $5.00 each. Free parking is in Lots 2 and 3 – to park in Lot 1, Lot 4 or Reserve Lot, there will be a charge of $5.00 per day. Admission tickets MUST be used in order to enter through any of the Fairgrounds gates. Extra admission tickets and parking passes can be purchased at the Fairgrounds Main Office. One Gate 4 pass will be given to each exhibitor for bringing a vehicle onto the grounds.
7. Vehicles may be driven to the exhibit area for unloading (Gate opens at 8 AM) and MUST be off the grounds by 3:00 PM on the first day of exhibiting.
8. For any reason, the committee has the right to reject any merchandise which is considered to be inappropriate and/or unsuitable. The Barnstable County Fair reserves the right to reject any application. Any refunds will be at the discretion of the General Manager.
9. The Fair has security throughout the Fairgrounds 24 hours a day; however, the Barnstable County Agricultural Society, dba Barnstable County Fair, can’t be responsible for individual booth and/or tent and their contents.
10. NO pets except guide and/or service animals are allowed on the Fairground property.
12. Participants in the Barnstable County Fair must abide by all rules and regulations noted above and the Vendors Manual, Found on our website at
www.barnstablecounty.fair/vendors. Note: some areas of the Vendors Manual
are specific to other vendors.
13. CLOSING NIGHT: On the last evening of the Fair, Sunday, July 27, 2025, you may NOT drive your car onto the Fairgrounds until grounds are cleared and security allows. This is a safety precaution and will be fully enforced.